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Curing method of marble

Publish Time:2020-11-06 Click rate:527

Curing method of marble

Many people who deal with marble have this point of view: Marble is a durable material that does not require maintenance. In fact, this view is wrong. In some European and American countries, stone conservation is a household name.

Curing method of marble

Marble maintenance is mainly divided into cleaning and protection. There are two main protective construction methods, one is protection before marble construction, and the other is protection after stone construction. The daily maintenance and treatment of marble is generally very simple and does not require special tools. At present, most advanced high-tech stone maintenance products at home and abroad are used-permeability protective agent (available in the stone trading market where it is specialized in stone maintenance). This cleaning agent can play three roles when it is dissolved in water. It can clean and protect the ground. If it contains microcrystalline particles, it can also improve the brightness; remove possible water and fully reduce the need for frequent cleaning.

Maintenance according to these simple points can extend the life of natural marble and keep it bright as new for a long time.