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Four basic installation methods to help you solve the crystallite problem

Publish Time:2020-09-22 Click rate:429

Four basic installation methods to help you solve the crystallite problem

The installation of microcrystalline stone is slightly different from the installation of natural stone. The reason is that the strength of microcrystalline stone is much greater than that of stone, and the hardness is also high. This makes it impossible to copy the method of stone installation in installation and processing. The main differences are as follows:

1. When hanging on the wall, it is generally not necessary to open the side slot, and there is little or no back-bolt type. The dry hanging is mainly installed with a small slot on the side.

2. When paving the ground, leave some grooves when laying cement mortar, unlike stone that is completely covered with cement mortar.

3. Generally, microcrystalline stones should not be chosen for outdoor areas.

4. Microcrystalline stone is generally not used as a rough surface or hemp surface.

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