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Selling natural Black quartz stone countertop companies

Publish Time:2020-09-10 Click rate:411

Selling natural Black quartz stone countertop companies

Black quartz stone countertop whitening solution

1. Be well protected

Black quartz stone countertops are easily contaminated by dust, pigments and other substances, so they should be protected.

Selling natural Black quartz stone countertop companies

2. Grind optimization should be done well

The grinding optimization stage of black quartz stone countertops should be 150#+300#+500# or 200#+400#+800#, which needs to be continuously cross-polished for more than 3 times. The more passes, the more uniform the stone's background color will be. Clear.

3. Prevent scratches

During the construction, prevent the gravel or hard objects brought by external factors from scratching the ground; clean up the mud on the site and the mud of the machine itself in time to prevent the debris from scratching the ground and keep the ground clean; prevent the grinding disc from having coarse-grained scratches .

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